31 Mar 2022

Reminder for those who are close or household contacts
- If a person in your household tests positive to COVID-19, they must self-isolate away from everyone else in the house for 7 days from the date of their positive test. They must follow the advice for people testing positive to COVID-19 which includes, how to self-isolate effectively. If the person is unable to safely self-isolate by themselves (e.g. due to their young age), a parent or carer should self-isolate with them.
- The entire household must also self-isolate for 7 days from the date of the positive person’s test. They should follow the advice for people exposed to COVID-19 and take a test as soon as possible, have another test on Day 6 and at any time COVID-19 symptoms appear.
- If another person in your household tests positive to COVID-19, that person must restart their 7 day self-isolation period from the date of their positive test, even if they don’t have any symptoms.
- Other household members who test negative, do not need to re-start their 7 day self-isolation period. They also do not have to self-isolate again anytime in the following 14 days unless they test positive.
- People who test positive to COVID-19 and complete their 7-day self-isolation period do not have to test or self-isolate as any type of contact for 12 weeks after their release.
- Self-isolation means staying at home or at your accommodation. This means you cannot drive your children to school or day care; you must ask someone else to do this. You must only leave self-isolation to get medical care or in an emergency. For more information, read the self-isolation rules.
If you have any further question or concerns about testing and isolation requirements please refer to the NSW Government’s COVID-19 pages.
Reminder of requirements if students have COVID-19 symptoms
If a student is unwell and has any symptoms they should always test for COVID-19, either with a rapid antigen test (RAT) or PCR (nose and throat swab) test.
If the test comes back negative for COVID-19, the student should still not return to school until either:
- the student no longer has any symptoms, or
- a medical certificate is provided to the school confirming that symptoms are explained by another diagnosis (such as hay fever).
It is important that students do not attend school if they are unwell, even if they have tested negative for COVID-19. RATs can produce false negative results and symptoms of other illnesses can also be similar to COVID-19, including flu, the common cold and stomach bugs. Health advice is that students who are sick should always stay home to rest and recover and avoid putting other students and staff at risk of getting sick.
A reminder that if a student records a positive RAT, you must register the positive test on the Service NSW website or Service NSW app so they can be linked to important health care support and advice. Please ensure you select your school’s name when prompted when registering a positive test result for your child.
Kind regards
Wayne Osborne