Berkeley Public School

Courtesy and Knowledge

Telephone02 4271 1171

Return to School Classes, Drop Off and Pick Up Arrangements

Forming Classes for 2022

At the end of 2021 we were very close, but not there yet of being able to form 14 classes.  Over the holidays we received some online applications for enrolment.  Being so close we will need to put students into their classes from 2021 for a few days until we are able to have exact numbers.  I will inform our school community when students will go into their new classes for 2022 later in the week.  Also, could you inform the office if you know of students who have left the area or will not be returning to Berkeley Public School.

Drop Off Arrangements

Students will enter the school via the Flagstaff Road gate and move to the same areas as last year when they arrive on Tuesday.

Students will be advised on Tuesday of the new areas they are to go to after the morning playtime and this will commence on Wednesday morning.

Pick Up Arrangements

Parents/carers and high school students will be able to collect these children from 2:45pm.  Remember that students will commence in a new grade on Tuesday.


  • Kindergarten + older siblings - Flagstaff Road gate (main gate near office) 
  • Years 1 + older siblings - George Street gate

This will be supervised by teachers. 


  • Year 2 + older siblings – George Street gate


  • Years 3 & 4 students + older siblings - George Street gate
  • Years 5 & 6 students - Flagstaff Road gate

**Students who attend the preschool after school will be handed over to staff at the George Street gate.